Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Broken hammock

We used to have a free-standing hammock for the back yard. ...

Ever since I put it together less than a year ago, Austin has been trying to play with it as a teeter-totter, or to load it up with several people at a time, to tip people out of it, etc.

Each time he tried to play with the hammock in this way, he was asked by whichever adult was there, to stop. But he couldn't resist. He continued to play with it in that way, to rock it back and forth, and finally, one of the bars of the stand broke.

I was really disappointed that this happened, but surprisingly, I didn't get really angry.

I decided that Austin could earn back the hammock. He needed to earn 10 stickers. To earn one sticker, he could practice typing for 30 minutes, draw for an hour, read for an hour, write for 30 minutes, etc. To earn 2 stickers, he could mow the front lawn. He did decide to mow the front lawn and he practiced typing a few times. Then, he struck a deal with me to pay me $20 for 5 stickers, and he was done.

Attached is his finished sticker page. He asked me to include this on his blog.

So, now I am keeping an eye out for a good deal on a new hammock, and we have to take the broken stand to the dump, as it is sharp and dangerous.

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