Thursday, January 6, 2011

First fish

Austin caught his first fish. It was a small (15cm) Horse Eye Jack caught while trolling in True Blue Bay Grenada.

We were shopping in St. Georges Grenada at a marine store earlier in the day and decided to buy some fishing gear for use while sailing. Austin was pretty excited about this. He found a book section that contained a few references to salt water fishing. He picked up one of these, a small 35 pager, and read it through. He then picked out some large flashy lures in the hopes that we'll be able to catch a large-ish fish. He really wanted to go after the big marlins but we just don't have the need or skills or equipment for that kind of fish. We also decided to pick up a small rod, reel and lure kit for the boys to share. It was on this rod that he caught his fish.

When we got home that evening I showed him how to tie a lure onto the line and how to cast. He caught on pretty quickly then also did some jigging. After we had dinner the two of us took the dingy out into the bay and trolled for an hour or so.