Monday, November 9, 2009

Lego Star Wars Trivia Lesson

Today, Austin invited me to play Lego Star Wars with him. He had a few ships set up on the living room floor. Initially, I resisted. I've been aware, lately, that I am uncomfortable having Austin guide the learning process and I've wanted to have some input of my own. I reminded him that I had planned to take him to the library today, but he really didn't want to go out in the rain. I worried that, by not going to the library during our two hours together, I would have to take extra time away from my work to do the library run. So, I reasoned, it would be best to do the trip to the library with Austin, during our time together.
Skye is home today, not feeling well. I shared my concerns with him, and came to my own conclusion that I could do the library trip at the end of my work day instead, so I could spend time with Austin, uninterrupted.
So, I went back to Austin and let him know that I could go to the library later, so let's have our time together. Skye had suggested that I ask Austin if he'd like to dictate a story to me, and I would type it for him. Austin said, "That's not really my thing. I don't want to do that. Let's just play Lego." I responded, "Well, I'm not going to play Lego, so we'll have to think of something else to do." And so the awkwardness began... Austin said he doesn't understand, if he is doing SelfDesign, why can't we just play Lego together? He pointed out, if he were with a SelfDesign LC, they'd just say, "Ok, let's play Lego." So, I had to leave the room again ;) I consulted Skye. I think part of my reason for resisting playing with Lego, was to satisfy Skye's suggestion to type up a story. When I shared with Skye, my conversation with Austin, Skye agreed ... just play Lego with him.
So, perhaps not entirely willingly, I returned to the living room, prepared to participate in Lego play. I asked Austin if it is possible for the Jedi to have peaceful relations with others in the Universe. Austin said, it is. We set out to locate General Grievous, whom we found, with light sabres blazing. Austin had Yoda on the Republic Gunship (Austin built this himself, from scratch, modeling after a kit he wants to buy someday). Yoda exited the passenger hold, and performed many fancy maneuvers to battle with Grievous. Grievous was on the run. Austin asked me to hold the Republic Attack Shuttle aimed toward Grievous, so he couldn't escape. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka (Anakin's Padawan) were on board the Attack Shuttle. Austin built the Attack Shuttle from a kit, and made a few modifications. Four passengers can now fit on board, instead of only three when guns are loaded in the passenger hold. The cockpit is also an escape pod. Austin explained, if Anakin needed to escape, I could simply pretend that Anakin had walked into the cockpit, then I could pop off the escape pod and fly away.
Austin also built a Slave I (Jango Fett's ship), modeled after a kit he wants to buy (oh my goodness, I just looked this up - it's $310!!). I told Austin that I like his creations even better than the kits. He's actually done a really good job of creating vehicles that closely resemble the kits. On the weekend, Austin helped Aidan to convert his AT-TE into an AT-AT Walker. Aidan absolutely loves it!
After the battle with Grievous continued, and all I was doing was holding the Shuttle above him, I became bored, and asked Austin if we could do something else.
Austin suggested some Trivia. He said I could ask him a few questions and he would ask me, so we could make a game of it. I don't know my Star Wars characters and vehicles very well, so we didn't get very far. Austin took this as an opportunity to teach me about Star Wars, so he proceeded to teach a lesson for 45 minutes, on parts of the vehicles, and a battle scene. My head is spinning with missile launchers, laser cannons, Cyborgs, Droidecas, Speeders, Walkers, Battle Armour, etc. Austin plans to quiz me tomorrow, to see how much I've remembered.

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