Monday, October 4, 2010

A Lesson in Morals

We had to go to a funeral in Victoria on September 25. It was for Skye's grandmother (Austin's great-grandmother). The funeral service was sad, but it was nice to see so many people turn out to say good-bye to Helen. After the service, our family got together for a meal at the Princess Mary restaurant. It was a very nice event, where we shared our happy memories.

Skye's brother's family gave us a place to sleep for the night. This is the place with the Bionicles.

Austin built Taka Nuva for Vicky's daycare, this time. But Austin and Aidan succumbed to the temptation to take a few pieces home with them, without asking.

At bedtime Sunday night, Austin came to me, visibly upset. He said he knew I would be angry, and he had done a very bad thing. I guessed what it was, even though I hadn't seen any evidence that they stole Bionicles from Vicky. Initially, Austin didn't want to tell Dad, but I convinced him and Aidan to tell Skye. Together, we all decided that the boys will call Vicky to apologise, and it was first Aidan's decision to offer one of his own Bionicles in apology. Austin then offered that he could give Vicky two or more of his Bionicles, since taking them had been his idea. Skye agreed. We both told Austin and Aidan that we were disappointed that this happened, but that they did the right thing by telling us, themselves. If we had discovered the theft on our own, consequences would have been worse. Skye was proposing that all the boys' Bionicles would have been sent to Vicky's place.

Anyway, Austin and Aidan both spoke with Vicky on Monday morning, and she was very gracious and understanding. She spoke with me, later, and said she wasn't surprised. The temptation was simply too great. She remembers something similar happening with her son (now 12), when he was about 9 years old. She was favourably surprised that they had come to me first. She really applauded that move, and reinforced it with each of them on the phone.

I told Vicky that Austin had been worried that she and Kevin would never want us in their home again. So, Vicky assured Austin that we are all welcome again, and she will take good care of the Bionicles that we are returning to them by mail.

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