Monday, September 21, 2009

music and story telling this evening

Tonight Austin got inspired to make some music that tells a story. He sat down at the computer and using Garage Band he composed a new tune. He then selected the images for this movie (I operated iMovie for him this time).

The story behind the song according to Austin ...

So there's a couple science researchers. They go to the NASA Research Center and take their final courses on E.T life. They get promoted to Astronauts and go on a mission to Mars looking for E.T. life. When they take off there's this vibrating, rumbling sound in side their bodies. One of them says,
"am I dead?"
"No, way", says someone else, "I can still see Earth".

Then they stare in awe of the inky blackness of space.
[sc: we did a lot of google images searching to find just the right images that capture the "inky blackness of space"]
Four days from launching from Earth the Astro 1 approaches the Moon. The astronauts are pleased but yet upset because there is much more of this to come. Except there is no Moon, no Earth. Just plain black space. They enter the space between Earth, Earth's Moon and Mars.

Then, the astronauts woke with a start. The communication radio was buzzing with static. The radio was like that for one more day until they heard a weird communication sound. Kind of like understandable language. When they got closer to Mars the communication got clearer. They could then see what was trying to contact them. A huge outer space border. There was intelligent life on Mars! The astronauts were excited but at the same time scared.

When they got closer, border patrol fighters swarmed around them even though they were not in the atmosphere (the aliens created the atmosphere on Mars). When they got by they saw that the borders didn't look to friendly with their defences out. They shot out blanks just to test our awareness.

When the warning shots finally ended, a hole opened and a different color of Mars was visible. The aliens had cut a hole in the atmosphere so that we could enter without burning up. We were escorted by five patrol fighters.

As we started to land I could see how these aliens had actually formed and lived. From deep, deep underground they had evolved. There were an intelligent life form that could produce oxygen on land and could filter the air, breathing in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen (like trees on Earth).

When we landed the aliens were talking and talking and talking. They were touching us like we were some aliens ourselves. If we were them, humans would be considered aliens. Humans don't usually consider ourselves as aliens but that's what we are to other life forms in the universe.

When they got the feeling that we were not there to harm them they hosted a party. A party to celebrate that we are not alone. They then filled our ship's cargo holds full of passports to enter Mars. We gave them a couple printouts of our country's passports. At first they thought the passports were for a couple planets but then they got the picture (one planet, multiple countries).

The party was the best in all the centuries. No parties that has ever happened could beat this one. After spending a couple weeks we announced that we had our birth day by now. We celebrated like no other.

When we had to leave it was one of the saddest moments I have ever felt. They had emotions so strong that we could feel it like they were saying it.

As we left the patrol fighters had aliens on the outside of the ships waving their good-byes as we left the atmosphere and the planet mars.

I did the typing for Austin but no editing ... the story is as he told it to me. Between composing the song, selecting the images for the movie and telling the story this took about 2 hours this evening.


  1. (from Nana & Nanita in Moncton)
    Thanks for the SUPER blog!!
    Nanita and I loved Austin's story, movie and sound track (sound scape)!
    Nanita was really "blown away" with how you can get such amazing images to go with the story.
    I really liked the way A. solved the problem, as the author, of how to keep both aliens and martians breathing!!

    We're looking forward to a sequel to this outerspace adventure!!

    Katie (Nana)

  2. Good talking to you on the phone today. Looking forward to more Blogs!


  3. Thanks for letting me see Austin's Odyssey. I love that the idea in his story is that we are not alone. There may be other life forms out there and that they can be friendly. It seems that most movies/stories portray a meeting like this one resulting in a battle for survival.
    I hope to see more of Austin's stories in the future.
    Mary Ann
